Q: Why do Catholics sprinkle water at baptism? Shouldn’t they baptize by submersion?

A: First, I must say Catholics do baptize by immersion.  Not always, it just depends on the circumstance and the venue.  Catholics don’t sprinkle either.  They sprinkle holy water at different events but they don’t sprinkle at baptism. The water is poured onto the baby’s head.


Again, I will warn you against the confusion the enemy is intent on spreading among Christian brethren.  The Holy Spirit promotes unity not division. The question insinuates one must baptize by immersion otherwise it’s not valid.  That is completely false. As a matter of fact, the Catholic faith accepts other Christian faith baptisms.  I don’t see why they feel the need to re-baptize.


So people say that one must be baptized by immersion because that’s how John the Baptist did it.  Well, one could also respond with “Well, a spa, pool or font is not valid; you must do it in a river because that’s how John the Baptist did it.  But wait, it can’t be just any river; it has to be the Jordan River.  Nonsense.  Water was symbolic at the time of cleansing and new birth, washing away the sins.  Water is more than a symbol however.  When one is baptized, they are baptized by water AND the Spirit.  In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, they are born again in baptism.  Please follow the link below for a much more comprehensive answer.

Related link: Are Catholics saved or born again?

“Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you”

1 Peter 3:15