Q: Are Catholics Christians?

A: Yes. That is the short answer.  Why are Catholics or why is anyone a Christian for that matter?  What makes anyone a Christian?  

There is a “hierarchy of truths” one must accept to be classified or considered a “Christian”.  Some faiths, Baptists, Catholics, Protestants, Lutherans, Presbyterians and more are considered Christian.  Others such as Muslim, Jehovah Witness, Mormon and others are not.  So what is this “hierarchy of truths”? 

As referred by author Alan Schrek in his book “Catholic and Christian – An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs” defines it the following way.


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The Christian Research Institute had the following to say:

Even the Protestant Reformers themselves clearly acknowledged that Catholicism as a system affirmed the basic articles of the historic Christian faith. The Reformers simply charged that in both belief and practice the medieval Catholic Church compromised its formal adherence to orthodoxy — specifically as related to its obscuring and undermining the gospel message.

“Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you”

1 Peter 3:15